Meg is currently a 1st grader at Elmwood Elementary School. Meg loves school and just brought home her second 9/10 on a spelling test! When not at school, Meg is involved with tumbling class and swimming lessons. Her favorite things to do are play with her IDAP, her babies or her siblings - Noah, Caleb and Alina. She can often be found wearing sparkles or something pink because fashion is ALWAY important! Thanks to the Physical, Occupational and Speech/Feeding therapists of Easter Seals Meg continues to achieve new goals and independence each day!Alina currently a 1st grader at Elmwood Elementary School. Alina is very spunky with a smile that lights up a room. She enjoys music and art class at school. Alina takes tumbling and swim classes and finds reason to dress up and have a dance party each day. Alina started her life in an orphanage in south Ukraine, so did not have the benefit of early intervention services until she was adopted at age 3. Since then, with the help of Easter Seals therapists, she has worked to improve her speech and feeding issues. She has come a long way and each day we are thankful for the new things she is able to tell us!